About Us
We are church-planting missionaries of Baptist faith called by God to reach the Thai people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Once in Thailand, we will begin to learn the language, as well as work towards helping other missionaries of like faith and practice share the Gospel.
Our mission in Thailand is threefold.
1. Reach Thai people with the Gospel.
2. Start Bible-believing, Baptist churches.
3. Disciple and train new converts, eventually raising up native pastors for those churches.
Our mission verse is Acts 26:18 - "To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me."
Our Family

Jordan Nickell
I was blessed to be born into a Christian home and grow up in a strong, Bible-based church. Unfortunately for the majority of my younger years, I allowed the Christian home and the church to become the extent of my spiritual life. While I had made a profession of faith at a young age, I knew I was trusting in myself as a "good person" to get me to Heaven. When I was nineteen, God showed me in depth the lie I was living, and that I wasn't a "good person", but was rather a lost soul, deserving of Hell. I accepted Christ as my personal Savior that day, and was baptized shortly after.
The Lord has given me a number of opportunities to serve Him in some capacity. As a teenager, I was placed in a position to go soul winning, as well as preaching as a pulpit fill-in, and taught in our children's ministry. In my college years, I worked a bus route, as well as preaching in a number of churches. Since my college years, I have worked towards being a helper to my church and my Pastor, part of which is filling the pulpit, teaching our adult Sunday school class as needed, and discipling new believers.
Katrina Nickell
I was born into a Navy family, and I spent my childhood years in Italy. Because of missionaries God had sent there, my parents came to know Christ when I was five. Four years later, during AWANAs, my leader taught about how we should let our light shine before men. It wasn’t a salvation lesson, but the Spirit spoke to my heart and revealed that I did not have a Light to shine to the world. That night I received Christ as my Savior so I could have His Light to shine before men.
God has always provided ways for me to serve in the ministry especially when it comes to children. As a preteen, I served in the 2-3 year old nursery with my mom, and as a teenager I was the captain of the bus route I did with my dad. During my years in college, I had the privilege to serve as a counselor at camp and as an intern at Child Evangelism Fellowship of Greater Jackson, Tennessee. After graduating from college, I became a missionary full-time with Child Evangelism Fellowship of Greater Jackson, Tennessee where I served for 18 months. At the end of my service in Jackson, I got married, and have since taught Kidz Club in our Reformer’s Unanimous program and helped to fill in for the childrens’ Sunday School teachers in our church.

Champion Nickell
I am a fun loving 5-year-old boy who loves to build all sorts of things with Legos! I have started Kindergarten, and I love learning new things. I am especially gifted in learning Bible verses. I love talking about Thailand and look forward to all the adventures we will have while there.

Emmitt Nickell
I am a rambunctious 3-year-old boy who loves all things crazy! I love to sing and spend time with my family. I am a little more shy than my big brother, but once you get to know me, I can be quite fun! I love few things more than I love tractors and trucks. If you give me a ride, we will become the best of friends. I also love to look through my Bible during church time and find the right places.

Autumn Lynne Nickell
born on January 11, 2023
I am a newborn baby girl, so I like to sleep most of the time. I love to snuggle with Mommy and Daddy. When I am awake I love watching my Daddy and brothers play. I was born in the middle of my family traveling on deputation, but I am a pretty good traveler myself.